All our events are posted on the Google Calendar below. Registered Scouts and Parents will be invited to RSVP to these events. We will not send invites to every Wednesday meeting. See how to add our Event Calendar to your personal digital calendar at the links on the bottom of the calendar.

Parents: how to opt out of invite emails - If you would rather not receive event invites or you are not in a position to be an activity attendee  we can remove you from the calendar invite list, email santacruzseascouts@gmail to request to not get invites. Parents can still subscribe to the calendar to view events if they opt out of receiving email invites.

RSVP only for yourself, Parents are not able to RSVP for their scout. 

Conveniently you can use the little toggle arrow next to the RSVP Yes | No | Maybe buttons to add a note, such as "I can drive on Sunday" or "I want to spend the night"

Scouts will be reminded to RSVP to events via our discord server, email and at times text. 

Our ship also has a scout-run Discord server used for various event communications. To be added, inquire at an upcoming meeting or add/DM @purpledeso333


Wednesday Night Meeting Themes 1st Wed. - Guest Speaker   |   2nd Wed. - Fun   |   3rd Wed. - Regatta Training   |   4th Wed. - Rank Advancement   |   5th Wed. - Extra/Recruitment. - Meetings take place at Boys and Girls Club in Santa Cruz in December, In 2024 our meeting space will move to Santa Cruz Elks Club - unless noted otherwise.


How to Plan a Work Party

Add calendar to your google calendar, press blue plus sign above.

Or add Ship 669 Events via other calendars using iCal format: